imessage vs bitesms

Switch between iMessage/SMS - JailbreakQA.
Beta Release 7.5 (beta 12) - biteSMS.
BiteSMS Updated To v7.5 With Speed and Stability Improvements.
[Fixed] Problem sending iMessage multi-media content - biteSMS.
Not receiving group messages - biteSMS.
biteSMS 7.5 Update Brings Performance. - Advanced iRepair.
springboard crashing (bitesms) when receiving an iMessage - biteSMS.
. if I've never send an iMessage to a person, Quick Compose won't work.. however, the message never gets sent or not it appear in biteSMS.
bite sms vs messages. iMessage vs SMS confusion location: - date: July 24, 2012. I am trying to understand how this works with the iPhone.

imessage vs bitesms
Tweak to hide SMS/iMessage previews on lock screen ONLY [Archive.Carlbgc 197 post(s). Topic: General / iOS 5 iMessage vs BiteSMS? BiteSMS has dozens more features than the stock messaging app. I couldn't do without delay.
I then close the notification or Open the notification and there is NOTHING in BiteSMS. Not even a failure notice, dots or IMG### showing.
iMessage iBlacklist Bug - biteSMS.
imessage vs bitesms
iMessage Group Messaging Problem - biteSMS.
. if I've never send an iMessage to a person, Quick Compose won't work.. however, the message never gets sent or not it appear in biteSMS.
bite sms vs messages. iMessage vs SMS confusion location: - date: July 24, 2012. I am trying to understand how this works with the iPhone.

Malutek 1 post. Hi, so I'm on a IP4, 5.0.1, using BiteSMS. My problem is, that the BiteSMS does not.. integrate normally numbers and Apple ID's.
Couple days ago I was using imessage just fine but now bitesms refuses to send imessages. It won't turn blue, it stays green whether I hold it or.